Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Legend Of Shame

So by now I am sure most have heard about the Penn State scandal with Jerry Sandusky. It is so hard for me to understand why so many people knew about this and just passed the buck to someone else, but never calling the police. Grown men with a college education, yet the have no common sense to pick up a damn phone and turn this sick bastard in! {SMH}

Joe Paterno.... the Penn State football legend, the man that has made thousands of calls on the football field, but couldn't make a call to police. Instead he calls his boss to report what a graduate assistant had told him. I wonder if there was a fire in the locker room would these college educated men call the boss, or call the fire department to put the fire out???

It just came over the wire that Joe Paterno will retire after this season is over according to an AP Report. Why wait Joe? Retire now while you still have some people that respect you. I use to be one of them!

It is a shame that we look up to people like this. People like O.J. Simpson who murdered two people, Michael Vick who had no problem with killing dogs until he got caught, and a Joe Paterno who made Penn State but couldn't make a phone call to help a child. These people make me sick!

Here is a link to read the Grand Jury Report:

1 comment:

  1. we finally agree on something...Paterno is turning into almost as big of monster as his buddy Sandusky by not doing the right thing. how ironic, for that is what he built his legacy on
