Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tears for Caylee

I have tried to give this a little time before I made a comment, but for some reason I can't stop shaking my head or stop wiping the tears from my face. Caylee never had a chance to live a full life. Her Mother just got away with murder and will most likely be free from jail by weeks end. I wonder if she will go out on another 31 day party spree?

I hardly doubt she will go home and mourn the death of her child, being a party animal seems more her style.

As a Father who lost his first child, this just upsets the hell out of me. God gave me (a loving Father) a life sentence, Casey Anthony will walk away a free woman to party on!

No one knows what it is like to lose a child until you have lost one. Casey Anthony knows what it is like to murder a child and get away with it. Her day will come, sooner rather than later would be fine by me.

Rest in Peace Caylee ♥


  1. I feel the same way, I cant believe they didnt find her guilty.such a waste... a sweet beautiful little girl gone forever and a mother who couldnt care less.

  2. I doubt her day will ever come. Let us all hope that she never has another child to toss away as trash. Although, I have never lost a child, I have taken in quite a few children that other parents have thrown away, and I too just don't understand how you throw away (in any manner) your own flesh n blood.

