Monday, October 17, 2011

Medical Update.... Part 2

Well I heard back from Dr. Acker from Philly this afternoon. After him consulting with Dr.Kolansky another doctor from Philly they have come to the same conclusion as they did 5 years ago, no bypass surgery. My heart is too badly damaged to have any benefit from bypass surgery, and stents would do no good at this point. A heart transplant is also out of the question because of the damage that was done to my left leg in 2002. You need good blood flow to be a candidate for a heart transplant, something that I just don't have.

So the best and only option for me now is medication which I am already taking. I will go get another PET Scan in April to see if the nodules on my lungs have grown, which I posted about last Friday here on my blog.

With the medication that I am taking and the prayers from my family and friends I am hoping this will be enough for me to stick around for awhile.

There is something for all of us to learn from this.... follow your gut instinct and get a second opinion when it comes to major health issues.

I want to thank my family and friends for your concern for me. I thank you all for being there for me when I have needed you the most!



  1. Will continue to pray for you Scott.

  2. Got your back cuz! Keep mom and dad posted.

  3. Good luck SCOTT! I am fighting Crohn's disease every day here I'm doing ok now but I never know when it will flare up on me I take meds too for it and every 8 weeks go to LGH for my IV infusion of Remicade. It takes over two hours for the remicade and othe drugs they give me then. Please take care and keep us posted.
